
Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Native Appropriation In A Hipster Heterotopia: The Headdress Phenomenon At Indie Music Festivals

Jeremy Hamilton-Arnold analyses the phenomenon of the 'hipster headdress' and the display of the Plains Indian war bonnets in indie music festivals as a heterotopian hipster space. Native Peoples and their allies recognize this appropriative act as offensive inauthenticity and a profane twinning of a sacred original while for the hipster it fulfills desires for an authentic, pre-modern, outsider identity. MLA citation format: Hamilton-Arnold,...

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

The Lion’s Roar: Imagining Conch Shell Trumpets in Early Modern Japan

Jonathan Thumas explores the Japanese conch shell trumpet associated with practitioners of Shugendo. By studying some different trumpets in museum collections, he argues that their sonic and apotropaic power in rituals and their status in the popular imagination reinforces their use as talismans.    MLA citation format:  Thumas, Jonathan "The Lion’s Roar:  Imagining Conch Shell Trumpets in Early Modern Japan"  Web...