
Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Virtual Buddhist Monk Robes: Cyborgs, Gender, and the Self-Fashioning of a Mindful Second Life Resident

Gregory Grieve studies virtual clothing in Hoben, a Second Life Zen community. He argues that Second Life residents emerge from their virtual practices where the ability to choose one’s gender, clothing and appearance increases mindfulness and offers a creative alternative to conventional heteronormative roles on both a political and spiritual level. MLA citation format:  Grieve, Gregory Price "Virtual Buddhist Monk Robes: Cyborgs,...

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

The Power of the Image in a Peruvian Indulgence

Emily Floyd discusses the multivalent nature of printed indulgences in colonial Peru. In addition to advertising the opportunity for the recipient to diminish time spent in Purgatory, indulgences often incorporated large, printed images of holy figures, opening them up to a range of possible devotional uses. MLA citation format: Floyd, Emily C. "The Power of the Image in a Peruvian Indulgence" Web blog post. Material Religions. 10 February...