
Rose Wellman

Rose Wellman specializes in the study of Iran and the Middle East. She received her Ph.D. in Anthropology from the University of Virginia in May 2014 and her B.A. in Anthropology from Mount Holyoke College in 2005.

Wellman's current book project tentatively titled, Family, Shi'ism, and the Making of Post-Revolutionary Iran, examines how rural Iranian families with ties to the Islamic Revolution and Iran-Iraq war (here Basijis) endeavor to create and preserve ethical kin, town, and national relations through the mobilization of vital kinship substances such as blood and food. This work speaks, in different ways, to the anthropology of the kinship and relatedness, material religion, nation-making, and food. It contributes a much-needed, humanistic portrait of contemporary Shi’i Iranian sociality.

In 2014, Rose received the distinguished Class of 1985 Fellowship for Creative Teaching Award at the University of Virginia. With Todne Thomas and Asiya Malik, she was additionally awarded a Wenner-Gren Workshop Grant for a conference and book project entitled, The Sacred Social: Investigations of Spiritual Kinship among the Abrahamic Faiths. Finally, Rose has received fieldwork and write-up support from the Charlotte W. Newcombe Foundation, the National Science Foundation, the Wenner-Gren, and the Iranian Heritage Foundation.

Research Interests: Sociocultural Anthropology; Kinship, Ethics, Food; Islam, Nation, Globalization, Iran and Persianate Societies, the Middle East

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